Looking for vocational discernment practices to add to your toolbox? You might consider:
Things to read
Things to watch
Things to try
- Living Into the Answers, Val Isenhower and Judith Todd
- Sleeping with Bread, Dennis Linn, Matthew Linn, and Sheila Fabricant Linn
- 50 Ways to Pray, Teresa Blythe
- Let Your Life Speak, Parker Palmer
- Living Into the Answers, Judith A. Todd & Valerie Isenhower
- Sleeping With Bread, Dennis Linn & Sheila Fabricant Linn
- ¡Gracias! By Henri Nouwen
Things to watch
- Whale Rider (2002 movie)
- Moana (2016 movie)
- "Jesuits Revealed!" - Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ - "My Vocation Story"
- "Designing Your Life" - Bill Burnett
Things to try
- examen (useful to track over time to see patterns)
- Praying in Color (one example of a doodle prayer)
- Clearness committee