Life during the desert sojourn was peaceful. Though it may sound like a platitude, this single word is and was the best description of my time in the desert. During the first day alone, I was concerned with running out of food and what I would do due to the sheer boredom of being alone. The heat was unbearable and when combined with the boredom, it all felt crushing. It felt like there were walls around me and they were closing in and constricting around me.
By the second day, things had completely changed. A certain peace came over me. I felt calm and relaxed. Though I was completely isolated, I did not feel alone. I felt a certain presence that could only come when I was alone with just God and nature. I was able to meditate, think, and pray. This allowed me to reflect upon my thoughts and life. There was also more than enough time to read and think. Concerns of the outside world melted away. The worries of time faded and made way for me to focus on myself. Even my nights were peaceful. I was able to sleep in peace without fear or worry. Even with javelinas and coyotes sniffing my head, I did not have any reason to worry. I did not have to worry about work or school or any family issues. I could sleep and rest without any worry. Though I enjoyed my time in the desert, when it was time to return home, I could not help, but feel excited to return to modern life and its hassles. Despite this, I learned to bring back what I learned from my time at the desert. Knowing the importance of having silence and peace in my life is something I know I will carry with me to the end of my days.